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Serlby Park Golf ClubSerlby Park

Serlby Park Golf Club – Policy Documents

When you click the policy links below the document will open in a new browser window.

Safeguarding Adults Policy – April 2023

Children & young people safeguarding policy & procedures – April 2023

Golf Course Policy & Standards Document 16.05.23

Equality Policy

Club Constitution – Updated September 2022

Code of Conduct

Disciplinary & Appeal Procedure

Club Welfare Officer

Chris Eccles is our Club Welfare Officer.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Club Welfare Officer
Whilst everyone is responsible for safeguarding the Club Welfare Officer is the person within a Golf Club with primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children or adults at risk and for putting in to place safeguarding procedures.

1. To be the first point of contact for club staff, volunteers, young people and parents for any issues concerning child welfare / adults at risk, poor practice and potential or alleged abuse.
2. To ensure that all incidents are reported correctly and referred in accordance with Policy guidelines.
3. To act independently and in the best interests of a child at the club, putting the child’s needs above those of others and the club itself.
4. To ensure confidentiality is maintained and information is only shared on a ‘need to know’ basis.
5. Maintain contact details for the local children’s social care department, the police and Local Safeguarding Children Board.
6. Be the first point of contact with the England Golf Lead Safeguarding Officer.

Safegolf Welfare Officer